This week we found five tweaks for your that are completely free and you should take a look at in Cydia. Here you can find last weeks issue.
DismissProgress – Use Cydia after a tweak installation

After the installation or update of a tweak you have to restart your springboard (in most cases). This can be really annoying if you want to install/update/remove another tweak. With the free tweak DismissProgress you can now close the window in the upper right corner and use your device like normal. But keep in mind that you should manually trigger a respring to clean up all the files and make sure that every change in the file system is saved and applied. There are no settings for this tweak.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
CleanPasscodeXI – Remove Emergency and Cancel button

If you unlock your device with a code you always have the Emergency and the Cancel button visible. If you want a more cleaner look you can install the free tweak CleanPasscodeXI to get rid of these buttons. After the installation these buttons are already gone and there are also no settings for this tweak. Keep in mind that there is now no way to call 911 if your device is locked. The only way to call the emergency service would be with Siri if you have Siri enabled in the lock screen.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
Crystal – Clear all notifications with a gesture

If you are one of these people who deletes every notification than you should take a look at the free tweak Crystal. When you are in the Notificationcenter and pull down the screen all notifications get deleted. There are no settings for the tweak and it work directly after the installation. Check out this tweak if you are into a clean Notificationcenter.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
TWPlus – Save videos from Twitter and unlock more features

With the free tweak TWPlus you can easily download videos from within the Twitter app. This is only one feature that can be archived with this tweak. In the settings of Twitter you also find the settings for the tweak.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
PrivateSafari – Secure private mode in Safari with FaceID/Passcode

If you are using the private mode in Safari you may not want other people to see the sites you are browsing. With the free tweak PrivateSafari you can secure your private mode. To access the private mode you have to authenticate via FaceID/TouchID or use your code. there are no settings for this tweak. This is a really handy tweak that should be installed on every iPhone.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
Suggestions for next weeks issue of Top Cydia Tweaks?
If you have a tweak that would fit in this series, feel free to write a comment! ? If you want you can also follow us on Facebook oder Twitter.