This weeks issue of Top Cydia Tweaks is already the 20th which means that we alredy presented you 95 tweaks. With this issue we have more then 100 tweaks for your – everyone should find at least one interesting tweak. 😉 Here you can find last weeks issue.
MTerminal – mobile terminal

The free tweak MobileTerminal works finally unter iOS 11! If you are looking for a slim working terminal you should stick with this one. The installation of MTerminal via Cydia is only possible if your use unc0ver to jailbreak your device. If you use electra you have to manually install the tweak. To make this process easier for you we host v1.4-6 of MTerminal on our servers. Simply head over to the download and press „Download“. Open the file in Filza and install it. If you cannot find the application on your Homescreen after the installation you have to manually run uicache
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
ColorMyDock – color your dock

With the free tweak ColorMyDock you can color the dock how you like it. After the installation you have to enable the tweak in the settings. Here you can also choose your favourite color. As an alternative you can color the dock matching to your current wallpaper. To archive this simply enable the option Dock color from current wallpaper. After a respring you can see your changes.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
System Info – display more informations about the device

With the free tweak System Info you get quite lot more informations about your device unter Setting -> General -> About. For example you can easily save your SHSH2 blobs (Instructions) from within the settings. You can also get informations about your battery or show your UDID. We think that this little tweak should be installed on every device.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
FreeRAMUnderTimeX – display free RAM under the time

With the free tweak FreeRAMUnderTimeX you can display the free memory of your device under the time in the statusbar. The tweaks wroks immediatly after the installation and has no options to configure. You need an iPhone X to get this tweak.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
GlitchyRespringLogo – respring animation for Anemone

With the free tweak GlitchyRespringLogo you get a really cool antimation when you perform a respring. You see the Apple logo with a nice animation. Simply activate the animation within Anemone and make a respring to see this tweak in action.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
Suggestions for next weeks issue of Top Cydia Tweaks?
If you have a tweak that would fit in this series, feel free to write a comment! ? If you want you can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter.