It was really hard to find out Top Cydia Tweaks of the week because there are so many we found. Today we present you not five but six Cydia tweaks that you should install on your jailbreak iOS device. This issue also includes some hot new tweaks from top developers like Elias Limneos (@limneos) or Ominousness (@TheOminousness)! Here you can read Issue number 7 from last week.
AnsweringMachineX – The best voicemail replacement you can get

Developer Elias Limneos aka @limneosis well known in the jailbreak community for his awesome work and also with this tweak he shows off his skills. The tweak AnsweringMachineX replaces the default Voicemail or voicemail from your provider. This may sound brutal but when you see what this tweak does – you will instantly love it! You can define custom greetings (either for everyone, only for specific people or even individual greetings for your contacts), listen to what the remote party is saying while leaving voicemail without knowing them or even answer the call. When you receive a new recording you get a notification (if you enabled this option) and can listen to it in the app.
We will write a comprehensive review in the next week where we explain every function of this awesome tweak. If you need help with the tweak feel free to write a comment.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: 2,98$ (launch price)
StackXI – Grouped notifications in iOS 12 style

Developer Ominousness (@TheOminousness) is relatively new to the developer scene but her results are even more impressive. With the free (and open source!) tweak StackXI you get the grouped notifications from iOS 12 on your iOS 11 device. If you tap on a group it expands and you can see all the notifications from an app. Keep in mind that this tweak is not compatible with Palette, LockPlus Pro and InteliX. You can configure the tweak from the settings app.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
BetterSettings – New look for the settings

With the free tweak BetterSettings you can fresh up the look of the settings application. You can choose from four presets or customize the look completely by your own. You can even set a custom background image. We like Dark Bubble Mode the most – it looks minimalistic and ist also very pleasant to look at.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
DHelper – An App for downloads

You can download Files/Music/Videos/etc. with the tweak DHelper. With the integrated web browser you can look for the file and copy the link. Hit the + symbol in the Downloads tab to paste the link and start the download of the file. Sadly it is not possible to download everything with this app but it works pretty good with music and videos. Thanks to the Developer (@SynnyG_R) who let us test the tweak.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: 1,99$
NotesConfirmToDelete – Prevents accidental deletion from notes

This free tweak prevents you to accidental delete a note from the notes app. Is you want to delete a note a popup promts you to confirm this action. This handy function can save you a lot of time that you have to restore a note from the bin.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: 1,99$
MoveUpCydia – Adjust Cydia to fit the size of the iPhone X

This handy tweak allows you to fit Cydia perfectly for the size of the iPhone X. With NoMoreSmallApps you can force Apps to use the whole screen of the iPhone X but then the homebar overlaps the tabs in Cydia. To fix this problem you can install HideBar X which makes the homebar invisible but if you do not want the tweak you had to deal with this „design mistake“ for now. After the installation of the tweak MoveUpCydia you no longer have this problem. All tabs are free and the homebar is also in the perfect position.
By the way: The theme DeepSkyBlue is available from our repo for free: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone).
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: 1,99$
Suggestions for next week?
If you have a tweak that would fit in this series, feel free to write a comment! 🙂 If you want you can also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter.