In todays issue of our Top Cydia Tweaks we found another five tweaks for you that will make your life with iOS more easier. Here you can find last weeks issue.
Apps Manager – Backup, Restore and Wiping of AppData from installed Apps

With the tweak Apps Manager you can backup, restore and wipe data from your installed apps. With data we mean the AppData and not the app itself. For games this could be your score, unlocked items and so on. This app only works with apps you downloaded from the AppStore.
Attention: System Apps are not supported.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free for Filza buyers (trial available)
countingNotes – Show character count in

You can get the character count of a note in the top bar with the Tweak countingNotes. Sometimes the tweak is a little bit buggy and shows a character count of ten when you create a new note. As soon as you start typing the counter works fine and you can watch increasing the number as you type.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
TwitterDarkMode – Use with a real nightmode

With the free tweak TwitterDarkMode you can get a real nightmode in the To get this tweak working you first have to enable the Nightmode within the itself. You can enable this in the settings. As you can now see the nightmode looks terrible and is grey and not black. Now you have to go into your settings and enable the tweak. Here you have also a few presets that you can use if you do not want to play with the configuration.
You can also follow us on Twitter: @hack_for_life
Note: We are aware of the system wide nightmode tweaks but we are not a fan of these tweaks and color only a few apps with tweaks like this.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
Tweak Count 2 – Count installed packages in Cydia

The tweak Tweak Count 2 is marked as compatible with iOS 8 and 9 only but it works perfectly fine on iOS 11.3.1 with an iPhone X (our testdevice). After the installation you get in the Installed section of Cydia a counter. You can configure the tweak in the settings and also rewrite the shown name in Cydia.
Repo: BigBoss
Price: free
PhotoData – Show infos for photos/videos in

The free tweak PhotoData adds useful informations to the You will notice the resolutions and file type under every thumbnail right after the installation. This can be turned off in the settings. If you tap on the litte i you get alle informations to the selected media. If you tap the book on the right top site it will set a marker in the maps app where the photo/video was taken. We changed the view from text to table in the settings.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
Suggestions for next week?
If you have a tweak that would fit in this series, feel free to write a comment! ? If you want you can also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter.