This week we have another five free tweaks for you that you should check out. Here you can find the previous issue.
InstaEmoji – Remove the emoji row in Instagram

with the tweak InstaEmoji you can remove the emoji row from Instagram. The emoji row is above the comment field when you want to comment under a picture. The tweak has no options to configure and works with the latest version of Instagram.
Note: To install the theme from the repo you need an account. This costs 10$/year and can be created here. With an account for the SuperSecret Repo you also get access to many other exclusive tweaks and themes that you will not find in Cydia.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: Look at the note
QuadLight – Turn on all four LEDs on the iPhone

With the free tweak QuadLight you can increase the brightness of the torch significantly. The tweak activates all four LEDs on the iPhone when you turn on the torch. It work on the iPhone 7 and above.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
AppInFolderStayTheSame – Folders stay on the same page when you close them

The free tweak AppInFolderStayTheSame allows folders to stay on the same page when you close them. The normal behaviour in iOS is that the folder opens the next time on the first page again.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
ForceRespring – Respring or SafeMode with button combination

With the free tweak ForceRespring you can set a button combination that triggers for example a respring. In the settings of the tweak you can define the action that should be called. If you need sometimes the SafeMode you can set this as action and after you completed the button combination the device will get into SafeMode.
Repo: ((Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
TextSpring – Respring screen

With the free tweak TextSpring you can change the animation of the respring screen. After the installation you can enable the tweak via Anemone and as soon as you perform a respring you will see the text „SpringBoard is restarting…“ on your screen.
Repo: (Link opens Cydia on your iPhone)
Price: free
Suggestions for next weeks issue of Top Cydia Tweaks?
If you have a tweak that would fit in this series, feel free to write a comment! ? If you want you can also follow us on Facebook oder Twitter.