Steve Wozniak ist unzufrieden mit Siri (Video)


Siri ist eines der Hauptfeature und schlagende Verkaufsargument des iPhone 4s. Doch nur die wenigsten nutzen den Sprachassistenten auch wirklich regelmäßig im Alltag. Kürzlich hat sich nun auch Apple Mitbegründer Steve Wozniak zu Siri zu Wort gemeldet und Kritik geäußert.Wozniak sagte, bevor Apple Siri gekauft und in iOS integriert hat funktionierte es bedeutend besser. Aber auch Wozniak ist sich bewusst, dass Siri sich noch in der Betaphase befindet und noch nicht ausgereift ist. Seine Hoffnungen legt er daher in die Zukunft.

Steve Wozniaks Aussagen:
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“A lot of people say Siri. I say poo-poo,” Wozniak said. “I was using it to make reservations long before Apple bought it.”

“I would say, ‘Siri, what are the five largest lakes in California?’ and it would come up, one, two, three, four, five. And I would ask ‘What are the prime numbers greater than 87?’ and they would come up all in a row. That was pretty incredible,” Wozniak said.

He said he told family and friends about Siri and how “This was the future: speaking things in normal ways, feeling like you’re talking to a human and how Siri was the greatest program,” Wozniak said.

“Then Apple bought Siri,” he said. He then paused, lifted his right hand and gave it a big thumbs down.

“‘What are the largest lakes in California?’ I’d get all these lakefront properties. And I’d say ‘What are the prime numbers greater than 87?’ And I’d get prime rib,” Wozniak said.

“I’m really disappointed, but it’s still a market for the future,” Wozniak said. “I think voice recognition for all the platforms is going to get better and better and better at putting together complete sentences and phrases. What did a human really mean? Like, if you said ‘Five, I mean six.’ It will understand a backup, the little faults in our speech that humans understand. It will understand that eventually.”





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